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ANDRA: Agence Nationale pour la gestion des déchets radioactifs

Description of the organization and its main tasks

Andra, The French National Agency for Radioactive Waste Management, is a public industrial and commercial organization created by the Act of 30 December 1991 (Nuclear Act related to Nuclear Waste Management). Its overall responsibilities include conducting research within a national program on a deep geological repository (concept designs and long term evolution) for high level and long lived, intermediate level radioactive wastes.

It also has an industrial responsibility of operating the disposal facilities for short lived, low and intermediate level radioactive wastes, as well as very low level wastes.

For that purpose, Andra engaged its research process as of early 1994 and is currently operating an underground research laboratory in argillaceous rock, located in the Meuse/Haute-Marne region, in the vicinity of Bure. At the same time, Andra is further developing the technical concept of a repository.

Radioactive waste characterization is considered an important component contributing to the management of the disposal safety and to the transparency of the disposal process.

Role, responsibilities and activities within the Project

Andra is the Coordinator of CHANCE project and leads the project management work package (WP1).

Andra will also have an active role in the Methodology work package as leader of WP2. Within work package 2, Andra will contribute to all tasks. Andra will bring its experience in the radioactive waste management process and its deep knowledge of radioactive waste characteristics.

As coordinator of the project, Andra will closely follow technical developments achieved within WP3, WP4 and WP5.

Within work package 6, Andra will take the lead of task 6.1 and therefore will be in charge of establishing the communication and dissemination action plan.

Contact persons

Denise Ricard


Direction de la recherche et développement

Service monitoring et traitement des données

Tel. +33 1 46118251

Denise [dot] Ricard [at] andra [dot] fr



Direction de la recherche et développement

Tel. +33 1 46118172

marie [dot] garcia [at] andra [dot] fr


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