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Agenzie nazionale per le nuove technologie, l'energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile

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Description of the organization and its main tasks

ENEA is the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development. The Agency’s main areas of research are: Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy Sources, Nuclear Energy, Climate and the Environment, Safety and Health, New Technologies and Electric System Research. The actual staff is about 3000 people, with about 40% scientists, distributed in nine ENEA Research Centres and five Research Laboratories, located all over Italy. ENEA also operates an ENEA-EU Liaison Office in Brussels with the purpose of promoting the participation of ENEA within the EU framework. 

ENEA mission includes also training and dissemination activities aimed at increasing the public knowledge and the technology transfer. The R&D activities in ENEA are carried out by using high quality experimental facilities, laboratories and nuclear research reactors. ENEA collaborates with the major national and international institutions, universities and research bodies and participates in the main EU research programs and European technology platforms.

As since its foundation, in 1960, ENEA (former Italian Commission for Nuclear Energy)  have been performing R&D on nuclear fission and related activities. The technical and scientific activities are mainly R&D on advanced nuclear systems and medium-long-term problem solving associated with the availability of fuel resources and minimization of long-life radioactive waste. It is active part of agreements signed with the most important international nuclear organizations (IAEA, OECD-NEA, EURATOM) for nuclear safety and security and for the mitigation of the CBRN risk in Europe and Mediterranean area and participates in several  EU research programs in the nuclear area (SNETP, EERA, ESNII, IGD-TP, etc.).

Role, responsibilities and activities within the Project

ENEA will contribute to:

  • WP2 “Methodology for conditioned radioactive waste characterization”: problematic wastes and R&D proposal
  • WP5 “Innovative gas and outgassing analysis and monitoring” studying the outgassing collection, separation and measurement of 36Cl and 14C content, comparison of results obtained by CRDS techniques with conventional techniques, i.e. LSC  and ICP-MS.

For CHANCE, two ENEA divisions with experimental laboratories will be mainly involved:

  • The Nuclear Safety, Security and Sustainability Division, located in Bologna
  • The Nuclear Fission Technology, Facilities and Materials Division, located in Rome

Contact persons

Dr. Antonietta RIZZO

Senior Scientist  

“Methods and Techniques for Nuclear Safety, Monitoring and Traceability Laboratory”

antonietta [dot] rizzo [at] enea [dot] it

Dr. Alessandro DODARO

Senior Scientist

Head of “Nuclear Fission Technology, Facilities and Materials Division”

alessandro [dot] dodaro [at] enea [dot] it


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