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Politechnika Warszawska

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Description of the organization and its main tasks

Politechnika Warszawska/Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) is a technical research university with traditions in education dating back to the nineteenth century. It is a forward-thinking institution where high-quality education meets world-class research and innovation. WUT is ranked number one among all technical universities in Poland. WUT offers education at all levels: B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree studies in every field of technology – ranging from civil engineering and architecture to optoelectronics,  nanotechnology (nanomaterials), biotechnology and biomedical technology. Highly qualified staff conducts research in almost all areas of technology and a number of non-technical disciplines (including management, business and administration) at 19 faculties and 1 college. WUT employs 2185 academic teachers, with 673 professors and 2402 technical and administrative staff. The number of students is over 36000, mostly full-time (including more 1500 postgraduate students). The university has about 5000 graduates per year.

WUT’s acclaimed reputation is proved by more than 120 international academic and research cooperation agreements with universities, research centers and high-tech industries from 50 countries all around the world. International partnerships, continuous quality improvement and a stronger profile – these top priority areas are heavily emphasized and developed in order to enhance the position of WUT as a leading university of technology and attain its long-term goal – internationalization and integration of political, economic and academic network.

WUT students and staff will contribute to the uncertainties study of the calorimetry-associated non-destructive assay techniques in Task 3.3, and to the development of the mobile muon detection system in Task 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3.

In Task 3.3, WUT will participate in the data analysis, and numerical studies required for estimation of the uncertainties related to the sources of gamma radiation in radioactive waste.

Role, responsibilities and activities within the Project

WUT will take part in the commissioning of the muon detection system by analyzing the initial data (i.e. performance studies of the detectors like evaluation of the track reconstruction precision, signal to noise measurements leading to optimization of the operational parameters like the ideal high voltage setting for each plane) and subsequent measurements in Task 4.1. In Task 4.2, WUT will contribute to a development of Monte Carlo simulations of the system, and modification and development of the software for data acquisition, visualisation and data analysis. In Task 4.3, WUT will participate in performing the measurements and data analysis, and numerical simulations for determination the resolution and sensitivity of the system.

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